Hello and welcome to the PTFA pages of the website.

Chair of PTFA: Helen Watts

Treasurer: Emma Brook

Secretary: Victoria Tyrell

The PTFA is group of people who join together to organise fun events for pupils and their families whilst also raising funds for the school.

Upcoming events

  • Ice lolly sales – 7th and 28th June
  • New parent day – 10th July 9-11.30am
  • AGM – 3rd October 3.30pm 
  • Quiz and Chips – 23rd November 7 pm

During academic year 2022-23 events so far include:

Christmas parties, non uniform day, school disco, Easter egg lottery and cake sale.

During academic year 2020-21 events included:

Christmas parties, non uniform day, wacky hair day, pounds and pennies, ice-cream van, raffle.