House System

At Dussindale Primary School we have a House Reward system.  Every child in our school is in one of our houses. The Houses are named after the Norfolk Broads; Hickling, Salhouse, Ranworth and Wroxham. Our houses are like a competition. Each house has to earn as many counters as they can to be the best house.  When children earn a counter it goes into the house.  To earn a counter for your house the adults will be looking to see that the children are: 

  • Respectful 
  • Responsible 
  • Truthful
  • Friendly
  • Resilient
  • Hopeful 

Our children can also get house tokens for showing good manners, being kind to others, being helpful, showing excellent behaviour around school and for taking part in house competitions. If our pupils do something great for our school or community Mrs Bradley or Mrs Norgate will reward them with a token. The teachers, teaching assistants, midday supervisors, kitchen ream and office adults all have counters. At the end of each half term the House Captains will count up the tokens for each house to see which house has the most tokens, then the winning house gets a reward. Mrs Norgate and Mrs Bradley will decide what this is. 

At the end of Year 5, children are invited to write and perform a speech to say why they would like to be a House Captain. School Council and their peers then vote on which person they think would make a good House Captain. Each half term the House Captains will organise a competition. If children take part, they earn a token for their house.