Pupil Premium


Schools are allocated a Pupil Premium Grant; in primary schools this is based on pupils in year groups Reception to Year 6 that have accessed free school meals (FSM). A grant is also payable for looked-after children (in the care of the local authority) or have ceased to be looked after by the local authority. The Government believes that the Pupil Premium, in addition to main school funding, is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM). Looked-after children face additional barriers to reaching their potential and so also receive a premium.  

A separate ‘Service Pupil Premium grant’ (SSP) is received for services pupils; these are pupils recorded as a service child or in receipt of a child pension from the Ministry of Defence.

Although the main aim of the pupil premium is to raise attainment, schools can spend their pupil premium on:

  • non-academic outcomes, such as improving pupils’ mental health
  • non-academic improvements, such as better attendance
  • activities that will also benefit non-eligible pupils

The EEF (Education Endowment Fund) recommends schools focus on improving:

  • teaching quality
  • wider strategies supporting readiness to learn


At Dussindale Primary School:

  • we ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all of the pupils –  including disadvantaged pupils
  • we ensure that pupil premium funding is spent to significantly improve the educational outcomes for disadvantaged pupils whatever their barriers (environmental, social, economic or learning)
  • we consider and use research e.g. from the EEF to inform our practice

Ofsted (June 2019): “Pupil premium funding is used effectively to raise pupils’ aspirations and to provide pastoral and academic support.”